Collection of helper scripts

This is just a place for me to store some simple helper scripts and tools that I use to make life a little easier



To build run make

To install in /usr/local/bin run make install


mib (Maven incremental build)

This isn't a tool so much as a wrapper around some maven options. It was a little more flexible than the various aliases I was using previously

Its functionality depends entirely on having the gitflow-incremental-builder extension added to the maven project


To build a feature branch or any unstaged local changes: mib -b <target_branch> <goals> where <target_branch> is the branch that the feature will be merged into when completed

Execute a maven incremental build (requires gitflow-incremental-builder maven extension)
Usage: /usr/local/bin/mib [-s|--(no-)skip-tests] [-i|--(no-)skip-it] [-S|--(no-)skip-static] [-b|--branch <arg>] [-h|--help] [<maven-goals-1>] ... [<maven-goals-n>] ...
	<maven-goals>: Specify any maven goals to execute. (Note: non-goal arguments not yet supported) (defaults for <maven-goals>: 'install')
	-s,--skip-tests,--no-skip-tests: Skips all tests (off by default)
	-i,--skip-it,--no-skip-it: Skips integration tests (off by default)
	-S,--skip-static,--no-skip-static: Skips static analysis plugins (off by default)
	-b,--branch: Specify the branch to use for incremental build comparison (default: 'origin/master')
	-h,--help: Prints help

cmvn (Containerized mvn)

This tool can be used to spin up a docker container for running builds in a more isolated environment. by default it runs an image oconnormi/dind-maven that runs a docker daemon inside the running container in order to test maven builds that need to interact with docker directly. As such it runs in privileged mode.

This tool will first take a look at the local git repository in the current directory and will create a git archive containing the current state of HEAD plus any unstaged changes. The result of this archive operation will be copied into the container that is spun up


Execute maven builds inside a container. Copies local changes into container to be built in isolation.
Usage: /usr/local/bin/cmvn [--(no-)update-image] [--image <arg>] [--(no-)share-m2] [-h|--help] ... 
  ... : Remaining arguments forwarded to containerized build
    --update-image, --no-update-image: Updates the underlying docker image prior to starting (off by default)
      --image: Image to use for isolated maven build (default: 'oconnormi/dind-maven')
        --share-m2, --no-share-m2: Mounts local m2 directory into container. While this breaks isolation somewhat, it is useful for verifying certain build steps without downloading all dependencies every time (off by default)
          -h, --help: Prints help


Useful for ddf development. Can bootstrap an installation of a ddf-based distribution. The bootstrapping process includes generating certificates for the current system hostname, wait for the system to start up, and run through the installer.

There are also some additional options for starting the system in debug mode and a few other things


Bootstrap a ddf node from an unzipped ddf archive)
Usage: /usr/local/bin/ddf-boot [-s|--(no-)disable-security] [-p|--https-port <arg>] [-P|--http-port <arg>] [--profile <arg>] [-d|--(no-)debug-mode] [-i|--(no-)interactive-client] [-h|--help] [<ddf-directory>]
	<ddf-directory>: Directory where ddf instance is located (default: '$(pwd)')
	-s,--disable-security,--no-disable-security: Disable security manager (off by default)
	-p,--https-port: Set https port for ddf instance (default: '8993')
	-P,--http-port: Set http port for ddf instance (default: '8181')
	--profile: Installation profile (no default)
	-d,--debug-mode,--no-debug-mode: Enables karaf debug mode (off by default)
	-i,--interactive-client,--no-interactive-client: Start a client session after system boots (off by default)
	-h,--help: Prints help


Useful for ddf development and testing. This script will create a cdm config given only a path to a directory. It also allows any additional settings for the cdm to be specified. By default this script should be run from inside of DDF_HOME, otherwise specify ddf home directory via -d <path>

If a cdm configuration for a given directory already exists the script will do nothing and will exit with a value of 1


Create a ContentDirectoryMonitor for a specified directory. Nothing will be done if configuration already exists
Usage: /usr/local/bin/ddf-create-cdm [-p|--processing-mechanism <arg>] [-t|--threads <arg>] [-d|--ddf-directory <arg>] [-r|--readlock-interval <arg>] [-o|--attribute-override <arg>] [-h|--help] <directory>
	<directory>: Specify the path to the directory to be monitored
	-p,--processing-mechanism: behavior when files are processed. Choices are in_place, move, and delete (default: 'in_place')
	-t,--threads: specify the number of threads to use for processing files (default: '1')
	-d,--ddf-directory: Directory where ddf instance is located (default: '$(pwd)')
	-r,--readlock-interval: specify the amount of time to wait before acquiring a file lock (default: '500')
	-o,--attribute-override: Specify attribute overrides of the form 'key=value' (Not yet supported!) (empty by default)
	-h,--help: Prints help