Please note, this will NOT work with 4.7 as Red Hat has made some changes that affect these procedures. I'll update this as time allows me to revisit the install.
To follow along with this documentation see my YouTube video at
This install is a Private Cluster without access from the Internet, a common build for Enterprises linked with Azure.
During this install, we will create a SPN and Managed Identity with Contributor
rights, they will both be assigned to the Resource Group that we will be installing OpenShift 4.6 into. The SPN will also be assigned as Network Contributor
to the VNET in a separate Resource Group. I identifed two areas that require elevated privileges:
- Create the SPN & MI
- Link the Private DNS Zone to the VNET
We will log in as the SPN to being the install once the setup has completed.
Download the openshift-installer, client tools (oc & kubectl), and your subscription pull-secret from
Download the Azure CLI from
Download 'jq' from your package installers or from
All of the customized ARM templates I used can be found under /json.
The script to follow is for the video procedures!