
Creating a MachineSet to build and scale nodes on VMware 6.7U3 and OCP 4.6

OpenShift MachineSets

Creating a MachineSet to build and scale nodes on VMware 6.7U3 and OCP 4.6

YouTube Video https://youtu.be/3no-WT557ls
OCP Documentation - https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.6/machine_management/creating-infrastructure-machinesets.html

I usually recommend backing up a copy of one of your worker mainifest during install time to make this a bit easier, but you can use the templates found in the documentation to create your instance(s), per your environment.

  1. Retrieve your unique infrastrutor id.
    oc get -o jsonpath='{.status.infrastructureName}{"\n"}' infrastructure cluster

  2. Edit (or Create) your MachineSet yaml.
    vi 99_openshift-cluster-api_worker-machineset-0.yaml

  3. In VMware, pay particutlar attention to the "workspace" section. In my video, I said that I did not have a "Resource Pool" so I had to remove that section. Otherwise the information will be what you completed as part of your install-config.yaml.

      datacenter: <vcenter_datacenter_name> 
      datastore: <vcenter_datastore_name> 
      folder: <vcenter_vm_folder_path> 
      resourcepool: <vsphere_resource_pool> 
      server: <vcenter_server_ip
  4. You also should include a label for your machine "role", here again I was using "infra" in the video. If you do not include a specific role, it will default to "worker".

            node-role.kubernetes.io/<role>: ""
  5. Verify your compute values...

    diskGiB: 120
    memoryMiB: 8192
    numCPUs: 4
    numCoresPerSocket: 1
        - networkName: "<vm_network_name>" 

    and your template name... ie, the VM cloning source image name.

    template: <vm_template_name>
  6. Make sure your userDataSecret remains unchanged since it holds the ignition data.

    name: worker-user-data
  7. Install your MachineSet
    oc create -f 99_openshift-cluster-api_worker-machineset-0.yaml

  8. Access the UI and increment your # of Machines or set the replica value
    Scale by OC...
    a. View your machinesets
    oc get machinesets -n openshift-machine-api
    b. Scale the machineset
    oc scale --replicas=${#} machineset ${machinesetname} -n openshift-machine-api