
Generate FFmpeg Metadata files from YAML documents

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This tool allows you to write your video metadata as a YAML document and then generate an FFmpeg Metadata file from it.

Workflow example

Let's assume you want to add chapter markers to your video awesome_compilation.mp4. You can do it like this:

  1. Write your video metadata and chapter details in compilation.yaml, following the format in sample/video.yaml.
  2. Generate the FFmpeg Metadata with this tool:
gen-ffmetadata -templates/mp4.tpl compilation.yaml
  1. Map the FFmpeg Metadata file compilation.metadata to your video:
ffmpeg -i awesome_compilation.mp4 -i compilation.metadata -map_metadata 1 -map_chapters 1 -codec copy compilation_with_metadata.mp4

Supported video formats

For now it only outputs metadata for Quicktime/MP4 videos with the templates/mp4.tpl template.

If you want to expand it for other video formats, you need to create a new template in the templates/ directory. These links will help you write a template for any video format supported by FFmpeg:

How to install

Get Git and Go in case you don't have them already, clone the repository and build the app.

git clone https://github.com/ocpodariu/gen-ffmetadata.git
cd gen-ffmetadata
go build

How to use

./gen-ffmetadata [OPTIONS] METADATA_FILE


-out (default: same name as the input filename, but with .metadata extension) - Change the name of the output FFmpeg Metadata file:

./gen-ffmetadata -out video14.meta METADATA_FILE

-template (default: "metadata.tpl") - Use a custom template for the output FFmpeg Metadata file:

./gen-ffmetadata -template mkv.tpl METADATA_FILE