
Trip planner project for CS1.

Primary LanguagePython

Project - Travel App API Project Spec


We will be building a trip planning app that stores a list of trips for a user. The goal of this project is for you to practice everything you have learnt about building an API.

Users can create a trip, add waypoints to a trip (a list of stops a user will take in a trip) and mark a trip as completed.


Your API should contain/use:

  1. a non-relational database to store all our trips.(mongodb)
  2. a trips resource - you should be able to create, list, show, update and destroy trips.
  3. completed trips are marked as completed.
  4. unit tests for all routes.


When you are done with the Flask API, write an iOS client to connect and display the list of trips. Authenticate the user, display trips and a detail of the trip with waypoints and completed status of each trip.

Routes and Actions

Create unit tests for and then implement the following new resources and routes:


Action HTTP Verb Path Effect
create POST /user Creates a new user
show GET /user Shows a specific user
update PUT/PATCH /user Updates/replaces a specific user
destroy DELETE /user Deletes a specific user


Action HTTP Verb Path Effect
create POST /trips Creates a new trip
index GET /trips Shows/lists all trips
show GET /trips/<trip_id> Shows a specific trip
update PUT/PATCH /trips/<trip_id> Updates/replaces a specific trip
destroy DELETE /trips/<trip_id> Deletes a specific trip

Project Milestones


  • User - Create/Update a user - post request

  • User - Get a user with a get request

  • Trips - Create a trip

  • Trips - Update a trip with completed status

  • Trips - Add waypoints to a trip (a list of named stops in a trip)

  • User - Sign up a user, hash the password

  • User - Sign in a user, check password with hash in database

iOS Client:

  • Authenticates user with HTTP Basic Auth
  • Display list of trips, trip waypoints and completed status of each trip