Drupal Decoupled Integrations

Why Decoupled Drupal

Using Drupal as a headless CMS with a Decoupled front-end implementation is a great way to get an enterprise-quality CMS, paired with a great modern development experience using Remix, Next.js, Astro and/or others.

This repository will provide you with the building blocks to achive this in a simplified way.


It only takes a few steps to use Drupal paired with a Decoupled front-end framework, follow these instructions below to get that running on your local machine.

Get Started

Drupal GraphQL demo site

git clone git@github.com:octahedroid/drupal-graphql-example.git

Follow instructions reading README.md file on cloned project

Remix demo project

npx create-remix@latest --template octahedroid/drupal-decoupled/examples/remix-graphql

Follow instructions reading README.md file on cloned project

Next.js demo project

npx create-next-app@latest --example "https://github.com/octahedroid/drupal-decoupled/tree/main/examples/next-graphql"

Follow instructions reading README.md file on cloned project

Supporting organizations

Development sponsored by Octahedroid