
🛠️ Easy way to automate installation and setup of language server for neovim/nvim-lspconfig

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT



Easy to install a language server for neovim/nvim-lspconfig.

nvim-lspservers is in early stage and a breaking change may happen suddenly. Stay tuned 😎


  • 🏭 Automate installation and setup of language servers
  • 🚀 Just call require'lspservers'.setup() to configure
  • ⚙️ Easy to customize language server

Getting Started


Obviously you must have neovim/nvim-lspconfig.

Some servers may require an additional tool (e.g. npm) to install them. You can check if they are available by :checkhealth lspservers after installation of plugin.


Using dein

call dein#add('neovim/nvim-lspconfig')
call dein#add('octarect/nvim-lspservers')


See also Available Language Servers for examples of :LspServersInstall.

The following code will install and setup language servers.

  -- List servers you want to use. Each value of RHS should be `true` or dictionary.
  servers = {
    gopls = true,

    -- You can write server-specific configuration as follows;
    -- vimls = {
    --   filetypes = { "vim", ... },
    --   init_options = {
    --     ...
    --   },
    -- },

  -- `global` configuration will be applied to all language servers.
  global = {
    on_attach = on_attach,

Available options

You can configure the plugin by passing options to setup() function as dictionary. The following options are available.

Top level

Option Description Type Default
installation_path Where to install servers. String $HOME/.local/share/nvim/lspservers
global Configuration for all servers. Dictionary {}
servers Configuration for each server. See also Server level. Dictionary {}

Server level

You can use same server name as nvim-lspconfig. See https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/master/CONFIG.md

Some special fields is defined for nvim-lspservers and they will be ignored as server configuration.

Option Description Type Default
auto_config Determine whether to apply recommended config or not. Boolean true

Update language servers

You can update language servers by the following command:


Available language servers

TODO: I am planning to expand our supported servers in series. For the time being, we will focus to add same servers as nvim-lspconfig.

Language Language Server Auto config
Ansible ansiblels
Bash bashls
C/C++ clangd
CSS cssls Yes
Dockerfile dockerls
Elixir elixirls
Erlang erlangls
Go gopls
HTML html Yes
JSON jsonls
Lua sumneko_lua Yes
Python jedi_language_server
Python pyright
Ruby solargraph
Rust rust_analyzer
TypeScript tsserver
Terraform terraformls
Terraform tflint
Vim vimls
YAML yamlls


Additional dependencies

You need to install plenary.nvim for automated testing.

See https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim#installation

Adding new server

  1. Create new lua file in ./lua/lspservers/servers/. (e.g. vimls.lua)

  2. Edit vimls.lua

installer and cmd will be executed in server's installation path. In this example, working directry is <installation_path>/vimls/.

local server = require'lspservers/server'

return server.new({
  name = 'vimls',
  cmd = { './node_modules/.bin/vim-language-server', '--stdio' },
  installer = [[
    set -e
    npm install vim-language-server@latest
  1. Commit your changes and submit pull request.