
task scheduler for CUDA :bomb:

Primary LanguageCudaMIT LicenseMIT


The MIT License

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Railgun is a task scheduler for CUDA C. We can overlap kernel executions for high performance, but it is difficult to decide the order. The goal of this project is to free you from considering it. Railgun determines the order instead of you to execute your tasks for effective use of GPU resources.


__global__ void matrix_add(int width, int height, double* A, double* B, double* C);


railgun_t *rg;
railgun_args *args;
int w, h;
double *hA, *hB, *hC;

...(set values into w, h, hA, hB and hC.)

rg = get_railgun();

// Task 1
args = rg->wrap_args("IIdd|d", w, 1, h, 1, hostA, w * h, hostB, w * h, hostC, w * h); 
rg->schedule((void*)matrix_add, args, dim3(1, 1), dim3(w, h));

// Task 2
args = rg->wrap_args("IIdd|d", w, 1, h, 1, hostA, w * h, hostB, w * h, hostC, w * h); 
rg->schedule((void*)matrix_add, args, dim3(1, 1), dim3(w, h));

// Task1 and Task 2 is executed concurrently.



If you have GPU on remote machine, please execute deploy.sh.


REMOTE_HOST:host which you execute the program. ex)foo@example.com or IP address

REMOTE_DIR:directory you deploy the program. ex) /home/yourname/projects

MAIN_FILE:file includes the main function

If you develop the program on a host has GPU, just execute make command.


Send a pull request to http://github.com/rkoder/railgun. We welcome your great idea for this project. Feel free to contribute your code to the project. You can use http://github.com/rkoder/railgun/issues for discussion.

See also

rkoder/bheap: general-purpose implementation of task queue in railgun

Implementation and Evaluation of Data Transfer Scheduling in CUDA: thesis (written in Japanese)


MIT license (© 2019 Ryota Kota)