tvrec is a collection of manifests to deploy TV recording system on Kubernetes cluster.
It consists of the following cool OSS projects;
+-- bases/ # Default configs
| +-- epgstation/
| +-- mariadb/
| +-- mirakc/
+-- devices/ # Device-specific configs
| +-- epgstation/ # GPU, SBC and so on
| | +-- xavier-nx/
| | +-- rpi4/
| | +-- ...
| +-- mirakc/ # Tuners
| +-- px-q1ud/
| +-- ...
+-- overlays/ # Add configs for your environment into this directory
+-- your_env_01/
+-- ...
There are 2 ways to set up a new environment;
- Generate your configuration by script. (described in this section)
- If your environment already exists in
, you can also copy and modify it.
In this section, we assume the directory name of your overlay is k8s/overlays/mytvrec
for example.
First, you need to create a generator.yml
including vairables for your environment.
You may want to make a copy of generator.yml.template
cp generator.yml.template generator.yml
Then you need to edit variables in the file according to your environment.
If you can't find your device's config in
, you will need to add it. See How to support a new device.
# K8s Namespace to deploy tvrec
namespace: tvrec
# The tuner connected to your node. (directory name in `k8s/devices/mirakc`)
tuner: px-q1ud
# GPU or SBC name (direcotry name in `k8s/devices/epgstation`)
gpu: xavier-nx
# EPGStation volume size (Sufficient capacity to store video files)
volume_size: 64Gi
# Domain name used by ingress
volume_size: 4Gi
timezone: Asia/Tokyo
Finally, you can generate an overlay for your environment by running the following command;
make new-overlay OVERLAY_NAME=mytvrec
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="$(cat /dev/urandom | head -c 16 | tr -d "\n" | base64)" # or any password of your choice.
MYSQL_PASSWORD="$(cat /dev/urandom | head -c 16 | tr -d "\n" | base64)" # same as above
kubectl create -n $NAMESPACE secret generic mariadb-secret --from-literal=MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --from-literal=MYSQL_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_PASSWORD
Run the following command to deploy tvrec;
kustomize build k8s/overlays/mytvrec | kubectl apply -f -
+-- <device_name>
+-- kustomization.yaml
+-- ...
You may want to refer each project's README To write a config file, README for each project may be helpful.
File | document |
config.yml | mirakc/mirakc- start |
We have
instead ofconfig.yml
because a password of mariadb is contained in the file
File | document |
config.yml.template | l3tun/EPGStation - doc/ |
enc.js | l3tun/EPGStation - doc/ |
Any pull requests are welcome. We consider you have granted non-exclusive right to your contributed code under Apache-2.0 license. Use for discussion.