redux saga handler

your saga maybe smth like

import { takeLatest, put, call } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import {
} from './const'
import { fetchSomething } from 'Api'

function* getSomething({ payload }) {
    try {
        const response = yield call(fetchSomething, payload)

        yield put({ type: SUCCESS, payload: response })
    } catch (e) {
        yield put({ type: FAILED, payload: e })

function* saga() {
    yield takeLatest(REQUEST, getSomething)

export default saga

with redux-saga-handler


// set config somewhere
import { put } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { setConfig, setCode } from 'redux-saga-hander'
import { FAILED } from './const'

    watchField: 'code',

setCode(403, {
    fn: function* (action) {
        yield new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) // delay
        yield put({ type: FAILED }) // dispatch failed action
        yield put(action) // repeat
    limit: 3, // max repeat count

now rewrite your saga

import { takeLatest, put, call } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { handle } from 'redux-saga-handler'
import {
} from './const'
import { fetchSomething } from 'Api'

const handler = handle(function* (action) {
    const { payload } = action
    const response = yield call(fetchSomething, payload)

    yield put({ type: SUCCESS, payload: response })
}, {
    failed: ({ type: 'LIMIT_FAILED', payload: 'limit error' })

function* saga() {
    yield takeLatest(REQUEST, handler)

export default saga


redux-saga-handler exports functions

  • setConfig
  • setCode
  • handle
function setConfig (newConfig)

extends initial configuration with newConfig

// initial configuration
    watchField: 'error',
    limits: {},
    limitAction: (...args) => ({
        type: '@@redux-saga-handler/LIMIT',

watchField -- field name in exception, that was throwed by handler limits -- stores limits for handlers limitAction -- global limit failed action

function setCode (code, { fn, limit })

code -- number fn -- function* (action) limit -- number

sets handler behavior for specified code

handle(fn, options)

fn -- function* (action) options -- object

  • options.useGlobalLimitAction (default: false) -- boolean tells redux-saga-handler to dispatch global limit failed action too, if handler runs more than specified limit count
  • options.failed -- action | function will be dispatched when handler gets error. option.failed as function gets in argument exception (that was thrown by handler) and returns action