This is a Kotlin project that exposes a REST API for Padel match reservations.
Mainly is based on the following frameworks/libraries:
Start the docker containers (Postgres and Redis):
docker-compose up
Run the main function in
API will be reachable at
- Users
- create a user
- get a user
- update a user
- delete a user
- Reservations
make a reservation
update a reservation (only by reservation owner)
- cancel a reservation
- pay a reservation
add/update result of the reserved match
patch a reservation match (authorized players)
- join a reservation
- leave a reservation
search for incomplete reservation (missing players)
- Club
- register a club
- update a club
- get a club
- add/update field availability
- search for available fields (close to the user)
- search for near clubs (close to the user)
- search for clubs by name
get all matches of a user
get all reservation of a user
review a user
review a club
mark club as favourite
mark user as favourite