
Convert image files on upload to WebP

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

WebP Extension

Upon file upload this extension creates a WebP (and Avif if active) version of the uploaded image and its thumbs.

Requires a working job queue, Extension:PictureHtmlSupport, and a usable version of imagick, libwebp (cwebp), or gd installed.
As well as $wgHashedUploadDirectory = true;, and if Extension:AWS is active $wgAWSRepoHashLevels to be >0;

Setting $wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse = false; is currently not supported.

How does this work?

After an upload or file transformation, a transform job is dispatched that creates a webp (and avif if active) file version of the original file.

Additionally, the PictureHtmlSupport extension exposes a hook when a thumbnail is added to the page output.
Extension:WebP utilizes this hook to add a <source> element for each active image transformer.

Converting already uploaded images

A maintenance script exists to convert already uploaded images:

php extensions/WebP/maintenance/CreateFromLocalFiles.php

# To only convert non-thumbnails run
php extensions/WebP/maintenance/CreateFromLocalFiles.php --no-thumbs

# To create thumbnails of custom sizes run
# This will create two thumbnails with size 1000px and 1250px
php extensions/WebP/maintenance/CreateFromLocalFiles.php --thumb-sizes=1000,1250

# To only work on some images run
php extensions/WebP/maintenance/CreateFromLocalFiles.php --titles=ImageA.jpg,ImageB.png

# To force the creation of already existing images run
php extensions/WebP/maintenance/CreateFromLocalFiles.php --overwrite

# Only work on page titles matching a prefix
# Every page starting with prefix 'Example' will be selected
php extensions/WebP/maintenance/CreateFromLocalFiles.php --title-prefix=Example

# Only work on page titles matching a file-type
# Every page starting with file-type 'png' will be selected
# Can be combined with 'title-prefix'
php extensions/WebP/maintenance/CreateFromLocalFiles.php --file-type=png


wfLoadExtension( 'WebP' );


Key Description Example Default
$wgWebPEnableConvertOnUpload Enables file creation after a new image was uploaded. Doesn't work for copy uploads. true true
$wgWebPEnableConvertOnTransform Enables file creation after a thumbnail was created. This isn't necessary if a thumbhandler is active. false true
$wgWebPEnableResponsiveVersionJobs Dispatch transform jobs for 1.5x and 2x file versions. Note: This runs for each thumbnail inclusion and may be disabled after all present thumbnails have been converted. false true
$wgWebPCheckAcceptHeader Check if the accept header contains webp. If not the original file will be served. true false
$wgWebPCompressionQuality Compression Quality. Lower means worse. 50 75
$wgWebPCompressionQualityAvif Compression Quality for Avif files. Lower means worse. 50 30
$wgWebPFilterStrength Alpha compression strength. Sets imagick webp:alpha-quality and cwebp -alpha_q. Lossless is 100. 50 80
$wgWebPAutoFilter Enables the auto filter. This algorithm will spend additional time optimizing the filtering strength to reach a well-balanced quality. false true
$wgWebPThumbSizes Thumbnail Sizes to create through the maintenance script [2400] [120, 320, 800, 1200, 1600]
$wgEnabledTransformers List of enabled image transformers [ "MediaWiki\Extension\WebP\Transformer\AvifTransformer", "MediaWiki\Extension\WebP\Transformer\WebPTransformer" ] WebP Transformer
$wgWebPCWebPLocation Path to cwebp executable /usr/bin/cwebp
$wgWebPAvifencLocation Path to avifenc executable /usr/bin/avifenc

Enabling Avif

For full feature support you'll need to install Imagick v7, als v6.9 has multiple bugs.
Alternatively you can install libavif-bin (>= 0.9.3) which provides avifenc. Do note that this still requires a version of imagick installed, as avifenc can't rescale images.

When enabling the Avif transformer, make sure that it is ordered before the webp transformer, as else the browser will pick the webp version.

$wgEnabledTransformers = [ "MediaWiki\\Extension\\WebP\\Transformer\\AvifTransformer", "MediaWiki\\Extension\\WebP\\Transformer\\WebPTransformer" ];


Delete the folders images/webp and images/thumbs/webp and remove the extension.
If the Avif transformer is active remove images/avif and images/thumbs/avif.