An editing tool that uses AI to transcribe, understand content and search for anything in your footage, integrated with ChatGPT and other AI models
- 1
Install fails on MacOS 12.7.6
#198 opened by BristolBEAT - 0
- 2
Ollama not listed as possible model/provider
#197 opened by leoruby33 - 2
Install on Mac OS 14.5 M2 Max
#196 opened by JohnHolway - 3
integration with resolve doesnot work
#193 opened by zeevbin - 1
i dont find the appshortcut on my desktop
#194 opened by zeevbin - 1
- 10
Can't select CUDA on Windows (torch with CUDA support installation problems)
#192 opened by GypsyAcidQueen - 8
SRT is not available anymore
#163 opened by salomaoparkour - 1
- 5
- 1
Able to launch only once
#166 opened by thormolio - 1
AVID DS Export - Blank TXT file created
#183 opened by KeoPostUK - 2
UI buttons not reacting on MacOS
#191 opened by xcarobx - 4
pkg_resources is deprecated as an API
#185 opened by codyschug - 0
"The torchaudio backend is switched to 'soundfile'. Note that 'sox_io' is not supported on Windows."
#190 opened by Benosik - 2
Speaker Detection Keeps Failing
#187 opened by GypsyAcidQueen - 1
Davinci Resolve 19 Support
#186 opened by GypsyAcidQueen - 3
Installation process of Windows git version of StoryToolkitAI 0.24.0 reinstalls non-Cuda version of Torch
#170 opened by bbqrooster - 2
problem installing requirements: Could not find a suitable TLS CA certificate bundle
#176 opened by pantau000 - 5
Include video files in new projects feature
#175 opened by GypsyAcidQueen - 1
No "Max. Characters/Words per Line" option
#177 opened by mustafamohsen - 0
Invalid Assistant authentication key
#181 opened by g1ra - 0
Transcribe - SRT files not being exported/saved
#182 opened by nkrns - 1
Smart splitting if "Split on Punctuation" and "Split at n words" are enabled at the same time
#180 opened by VijoPlays - 0
- 0
Punctuation in names forces new line
#178 opened by The3IC - 13
Customize Transcription Output
#161 opened by clpStephen - 2
Possible bug with downloading spacy model
#174 opened by galavera - 2
Some windows are not fitted to screen
#172 opened by The3IC - 1
Progress bar for model download
#173 opened by The3IC - 1
Additional Zero Shot Models
#171 opened by mkammes - 1
Interface is unusable / Can't select language
#169 opened by darkpixel - 6
- 1
Interface Unstable When a Group is Activated
#168 opened by t-hayash - 2
Speaker ID training
#164 opened by clpStephen - 4
Speaker recognition Google Colab
#159 opened by bcastaing - 0
Windows 11 Standalone cannot ingest video files
#165 opened by tanderson1992 - 4
Speechbrain error
#162 opened by clpStephen - 5
Resolve Integration - ModuleNotFoundError
#160 opened by Mindboxer - 2
Not picking up pick up files from Resolve renders
#158 opened by octimot - 6
Update problem - ImportError: cannot import name 'get_end' from 'whisper.utils'
#152 opened by pantau000 - 5
After restarting the program error "can't find '__main__' module in 'C:\\Users\\benia\\Desktop\\StoryToolkitAI\\storytoolkitai'"
#157 opened by Benosik - 2
Updating via 'git pull' not working, 'wrong number of arguments, should be 2'
#156 opened by PantsResewn - 5
Error message just before Transcribe FileNotFoundError torch\hub\snakers4_silero-vad_master\
#155 opened by Paddywack0 - 0
no restart of transcription
#154 opened by pantau000 - 0
#153 opened by pantau000 - 9
Story timeline export not working
#151 opened by barzoock - 0
Tabbed transcriptions
#150 opened by GypsyAcidQueen - 7