
"Split lines at....words" won't save.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I remember that in one of the earlier versions, I could set "Split lines at 1 words" and the SRT would be 1 word per line,. Now in v0.19.5, it reverts back to "characters" right after I click Save and stays as "characters" after I restart StoryToolkitAI, and even then, it won't have any effect. I've tried raising this number but the lines will always be split at the same hidden/default number of characters/words no matter what I specify there.

I also want to know if it's possible to generate a new SRT from the same transcription with new Transcription Post-Processing settings.

StoryToolkitAI v0.19.5
Python 3.10.11
Windows 10
Connected to Resolve API (Resolve 18.6.2)


Sorry for the late reply.

Thanks for reporting! It wasn't really clear where this was happening and I couldn't reproduce it in the Ingest window initially.

But now I understood that you were referring to the fact that the words/characters value was not being saved in the Preferences window.

Anyways I found the issue and it will be fixed in the next update.


I just pushed update 0.23.0 that should've resolved this, plus many others.
