AWS Lambda Lab

This lab is part of the foundations trainings at OCTO Technology Australia.

The Goal

In this lab we'll need to create a serverless application using AWS Lambda service which will react on events from S3 service. It will also respond to HTTP requests from AWS API Gateway
That will cover the following topics:

  • Working with AWS Lambda service via AWS console
  • Creating a simple lambda function with S3 event trigger

This lab will take approximately 60 minutes

Overview of technology

AWS provides a set of managed services which do not require infrastructure setup and management. Such services are usually referenced as serverless. These include:

  • Lambda functions - pieces of code which are run on demand in containers hidden from lambda's owner
  • S3 - serverless blob storage
  • API Gateway - handles API calls from internet and directs them to other services, e.g. Lambda, S3, EC2

Now let's dive into the world of serverless technology :)

Exercise: Create a S3 bucket indexer using Lambda function

In this exercise we're going to create a simple application which will react on uploading events in S3 bucket and write a object's key into index.lst file in the same bucket
Event driven lambda Few things to mention:

  • logic of the app is a basic one, no complex cases
  • we want to ignore events for the index.lst file to avoid indefinite loop

Create S3 bucket

  • In AWS Console, go to S3 service, then click Create bucket
  • Type foundation-labs-lambda-<your_name> in the Bucket name field (don't forget to replace <your_name> with your name ;) )
  • Leave all other parameters as default and create the bucket

Create lambda function skeleton

  • In AWS Console, go to Lambda service, then click Create function
  • Select Author from scratch
  • Set Name as foundation-labs-lambda-<your_name>
  • Set Runtime as Node.js 8.10
  • Set Role to Create a new role from one or more templates.
  • Set Role name as foundation-labs-lambda-role-<your_name>
  • Choose Amazon S3 object read-only permissions in Policy templates
  • Click Create function

Modify lambda role

We'll need to add write permissions to our lambda's role to allow it create/modify objects in our bucket

  • In AWS Console, go to IAM service, then click Roles on the left panel
  • Find your foundation-labs-lambda-role-<your_name> role in the list, then click on it
  • Click Add inline policy. Then in JSON tab put following code (replace <your_name>):
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "GetAndPut",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::foundation-labs-lambda-<your_name>*"
  • Click Review policy, then type foundation-labs-lambda-s3-policy-<your_name> in the name field
  • Click Save changes

Create S3 put object event

Now let's create a trigger for our lambda function. That will be a reaction to object uploads into our bucket.
For the sake of simplicity, we'll not distinguish between new objects and new versions of existing objects

  • On our lambda function screen, find Designer section and on the left side of it click on S3 in Add triggers menu. That should add a S3 configuration block:
    S3 trigger
  • Click on that block and scroll down to Configure triggers section
  • Set bucket field as foundation-labs-lambda-<your_name>
  • Set Event type as Object Created (All)
  • Make sure that Enable trigger is ticked
  • Click Add, then click Same in the top right corner. That should save all changes:
    S3 trigger

Write lambda code

It's time to write some code! Our function will need to S3 put object event, sample of which could be found in AWS Documentation (see Event samples). For simplicity, here is a stripped version of the sample with only fields which we'll need in our exercise:

  "Records": [
      "s3": {
        "object": {
          "key": "HappyFace.jpg",
        "bucket": {
          "name": "sourcebucket",

Keeping this in mind, please write the code. Here are the guidelines for that:

  • First of all, make sure you have your Node.js and NPM utilities installed. If not, follow these instructions
  • Open a Node.js project from exercise1 directory of this repo (master branch) and run npm install
  • Open index.js and write down the code of the app
  • There are only 2 api calls to S3 which will be required:
    • getObject to get current index.lst from the bucket
    • putObject to put updated index.lst back to the bucket
  • To help you with the task, we have set up a suite of unit tests, so you need to make them green
  • To run your tests, open your terminal, cd to the exercise1 directory and run npm test
  • Don't use any additional libraries or create any additional files - you just don't need them for that simple exercise! KISS!
  • Don't move new AWS.S3(); outside of handler function - that will brake tests

Upload lambda code to AWS

If you managed to get your tests all green, go ahead and upload the code of index.js into your lambda function:

  • In AWS Console, go to Lambda service, then open your function foundation-labs-lambda-<your_name>
  • Click on the block with your function name:
    lambda block
  • Scroll down to Function code block and paste there contents of your index.js
  • Click Save in right top corner

Test your lambda

Once all steps are completed, we can see how our indexer works:

  • In AWS Console, go to S3, then to your bucket
  • Upload any file to our bucket
  • Check if index.lst is created in the root of the bucket and contains uploaded file name

Debug your lambda

If you don't see index.lst created, you will need to troubleshoot your lambda by going to CloudWatch logs. For the purpose of this exercise we'll see anyway how logs look like there:

  • On your lambda function main screen, click on Monitoring tab, then click on View logs in CloudWatch
  • It should navigate you to the Cloudwatch -> Logs section and display a list of log streams for your lambda. AWS Navigation path should display something like
    CloudWatch > Log Groups > Streams for /aws/lambda/foundation-labs...
  • Click on the stream with the latest Last Event Time
  • Here you can see related logs and execution errors if any

Congratulations!!! You've successfully created and tested a load balanced application!

If everything is done properly and debugged, your indexer application should work!


Using Serverless framework

The approach to developing lambda functions described above is straightforward and a bit tedious. There are however frameworks in the market that streamlines creation of the serverless applications. Serverless framework is one of them. It allows to define all steps we did manually in this exercise (and much more) as a code, in simple and easy to understand form. We recommend have a look on quick REST API tutorial in their blog