
Akamai Edge DNS provider for octoDNS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Akamai Edge DNS provider for octoDNS

An octoDNS provider that targets Akamai Edge DNS.


Command line

pip install octodns-edgedns


Pinning specific versions or SHAs is recommended to avoid unplanned upgrades.

# Start with the latest versions and don't just copy what's here
# Start with the latest/specific versions and don't just copy what's here
-e git+https://git@github.com/octodns/octodns.git@9da19749e28f68407a1c246dfdf65663cdc1c422#egg=octodns
-e git+https://git@github.com/octodns/octodns-edgedns.git@ec9661f8b335241ae4746eea467a8509205e6a30#egg=octodns_edgedns


    class: octodns_edgedns.AkamaiProvider
    client_secret: env/AKAMAI_CLIENT_SECRET
    host: env/AKAMAI_HOST
    access_token: env/AKAMAI_ACCESS_TOKEN
    client_token: env/AKAMAI_CLIENT_TOKEN
    #contract_id: env/AKAMAI_CONTRACT_ID (optional)

The first four variables above can be hidden in environment variables and octoDNS will automatically search for them in the shell. It is possible to also hard-code into the config file: eg, contract_id.

The first four values can be found by generating credentials: https://control.akamai.com/

Configure > Organization > Manage APIs > New API Client for me

Select appropriate group, and fill relevant fields. For API Service Name, select DNS-Zone Record Management and then set appropriate Access level (Read-Write to make changes). Then select the "New Credential" button to generate values for above

The contract_id paramater is optional, and only required for creating a new zone. If the zone being managed already exists in Akamai for the user in question, then this paramater is not needed.

Support Information


AkamaiProvider supports A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, NS, PTR, SPF, SRV, SSHFP, and TXT.


AkamaiProvider does not support dynamic records.


See the /script/ directory for some tools to help with the development process. They generally follow the Script to rule them all pattern. Most useful is ./script/bootstrap which will create a venv and install both the runtime and development related requirements. It will also hook up a pre-commit hook that covers most of what's run by CI.