
Simple deep neural network text classifier API

Primary LanguagePython


Simple text classifier API.

Classifies English text into Positive or Negative.


  • History tells us of glorious friendships in the ancient world. is Positive
  • There was a man with tongue of wood Who essayed to sing, And in truth it was lamentable is Negative.
  • Here one of the most atrocious massacres of the West took place. is Negative
  • What should it be but the most magnificent palace that had ever been seen in the world. is Positive

See it in action

Make a POST request to http://datahangar.net/api with form-data field text -> string i.e. Today was a wonderful day. should return Positive


  • Trains a Deep Neural Network classifier with 50K IMDB reviews
  • Saves the trained model in a /data folder in the parent directory
  • Uses flask for serving an API accepting POST requests with a text field
  • Responds with 'Positive' or 'Negative'


  1. Install requirements with pip3 install -r requeriments.txt, etc.
  2. Train the model, might require some time depending on computing power, simple as running the script python3 DNNClassifier.py, you can train it locally and then upload the data folder to your server.
  3. Export flask app, export FLASK_APP=$(pwd)/api.py
  4. Run it with flask run
  5. Make a POST request to with form-data field text and some text, i.e. Today was a wonderful day, should return Positive.