
Already built octohost box for Vagrant.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Some helpful files when using octohost with Vagrant.

# Install Docker Mac binary
brew tap homebrew/binary
brew install docker
brew install direnv # More info here: https://github.com/zimbatm/direnv

NOTE: If you are using Vagrant 1.6+, the Vagrantfile will work without modification. If you're using < 1.6 then you can find the necessary URL at Vagrant Cloud.

There are two ways to proceed from here:

Use the already built Vagrant box.

vagrant up # The box will be downloaded, verified and installed.
vagrant ssh -c "curl -L https://github.com/{your-username}.keys >> /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys"
cat ~/.ssh/{your-key.pub} | ssh vagrant@server.octodev.io "sudo gitreceive upload-key {your-name}"
git clone https://github.com/octohost/harp.git && cd harp
git remote add octo git@server.octodev.io:harp-test.git
git push octo master
lynx http://harp-test.octodev.io

Build your own box using Chef.

Once you have your octohost built and the box installed using these instructions

Once you've built it.

Then you can cd into this directory:

[] darron@~/Dropbox/src: cd octovagrant/
.envrc is blocked from loading. Run `direnv allow` to approve it's content for loading.
[] darron@~/Dropbox/src/octovagrant: direnv allow
direnv: reloading
direnv: loading .envrc
direnv export: ~DOCKER_HOST
[] darron@~/Dropbox/src/octovagrant: vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[default] Importing base box 'octohost'...
[default] Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
[default] Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
[default] Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
[default] Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
[default] Forwarding ports...
[default] -- 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
[default] Booting VM...
[default] Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
[default] Machine booted and ready!
[default] Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
[default] Mounting shared folders...
[default] -- /vagrant
[default] VM already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use `--provision` to force it
[] darron@~/Dropbox/src/octovagrant: docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                       COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES

76d3de92d2f9 octohost/tentacles:latest /bin/sh -c 'bundle e 15 minutes ago Up 15 minutes>5000/tcp desperate_einstein

This is in the spirit of dvm - which is docker without the octohost web focus.

You should be able to use both dvm and octohost using these instructions.