OctoberCMS Boilerplate

by VhieArch

October is a powerful CMS based on Laravel PHP Framework.


  1. PHP > 5.5.9
  2. MySQL
  3. Composer
  4. Bower

Getting Started

  1. Clone to your base project directory.

    git clone https://bitbuket.org/vhiearch/october-boilerplate.git <project-name>
  2. Don't forget to remove .git folder, create your own repository.

  3. Install composer dependencies.

    composer install
  4. Create configuration file .env (copy from .env.example) and set the database configuration.

  5. Migrate October database.

    php artisan october:up
  6. Install frontend library (it's optional, folder bower_components exists by default).

    bower install
  7. For security reason, please generate new application key.

    php artisan key:generate


In this boilerplate, we've installed:

  1. RainLab.User
  2. RainLab.Pages
  3. RainLab.Sitemap
  4. RainLab.GoogleAnalytics
  5. October.Drivers
  6. Bedard.Debugbar
  7. Triasrahman.Premailer
  8. Mja.Mail

More plugins that we recommend (not installed yet):

  1. RainLab.Blog
  2. Responsiv.Uploader
  3. eBussola.Feedback

To install plugin, run the command:

php artisan plugin:install <plugin-name>

Frontend Libraries

All frontend libraries are managed using bower. These packages are installed by default:

  1. Bootstrap
  2. jQuery
  3. Font Awesome
  4. Parsley JS
  5. FastClick

To install additional library, run the command:

bower install --save <package-name>

Coding Standards

Please follow the following guides and code standards: