Set 'wildignore' from git repo root or home folder
This plugin is designed to complement CtrlP & Command-T by automatically
filtering search results according to .gitignore
in your project, and
the global ~/.gitignore
There is a script by
Adam Bellaire, but it doesn't respect .gitignore
when you are in a subfolder
of your project.
plugin 'octref/RootIgnore'
let g:RootIgnoreUseHome = 1
(Default: 1)
Add patterns in ~/.gitignore to wildignore.
let g:RootIgnoreAgignore = 1
(Default: 0)
Requirement: ag
Let RootIgnore set ctrlp's g:ctrlp_user_command
to use ag for
faster search.
" As long as it doesn't contain 'r' it's fine
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = '0'
let g:CommandTTraverseSCM = 'pwd'
" If you want to add your own ignore pattern
let g:CommandTWildIgnore = &wildignore . ',myPattern"
- 01-16-2018
- Add regex whitespace ignore so whitespace lines in .gitignore aren't added to wildignore.
- 08-07-2015
- Fix a bug for using .gitignore in non-git folder.
- 07-27-2015
- If we are not in a git folder, but have a .gitignore in current folder, use its patterns.
- 03-01-2015
- Include ~/.gitignore by default
- 02-04-2015
- Resolve folder-paths in .gitignore to paths relative to cwd
Adapted from gitignore by Adam Bellaire