
A demonstration of how to run a Minecraft on Kubernetes

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Minecraft Server in Kubernetes

This demonstrates how to run Minecraft in Kubernetes. It builds on the work of the itzg Minecraft Server Docker Image to create a docker container in kubernetes

This repository demonstrates how to run in a local kubernetes cluster using local disks.

How To Install


  • Have a Kubernetes cluster, be able to SSH to the nodes in your cluster
  • Have your kubeconfig command line set up to talk to your cluster
  • Have cluster admin privileges on this cluster
  • Clone this repository to your computer

Step 1: Create a directory for local files

SSH to one of the nodes in your kubernetes cluster. Create a directory where you want Minecraft files to exist.

ssh your_kubernetes_host
sudo mkdir -p "/mnt/local-volumes/minecraft"
sudo chmod 777 "/mnt/local-volumes/minecraft"

Get the kubernetes node name name of the host machine on which you just added the directory.

Edit 20-volume-local.yaml. Update Line 17 to include the host path. Update line 25 to include the kubernetes node name

Step 2: Configure your Minecraft Server

The itzg Minecraft Server Docker Image allows you to configure settings in the minecraft server by setting environment variables.

You can edit 30-deployment-local.yaml to add or change environment variables for your purposes. See lines 30-35 for examples. See the minecraft-server docker image page for documentation on configuring your server.

Step 3: Apply Kubernetes Configurations

Now, apply the configuration to Kubernetes

kubectl apply -f 00-namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f 10-volume-claim-local.yaml
kubectl apply -f 20-volume-local.yaml
kubectl apply -f 30-deployment-local.yaml
kubectl apply -f 40-service-nodeport.yaml

Step 4: Connect

We have created a node-port service, which means that you can connect to any node in your kubernetes cluster on port 30565 (declared in 40-service-nodeport.yaml) to attach to this minecraft server. Suppose that your kubernetes node has a public ip address of When you configure your minecraft server, connect to

Invitation to Help

Running on GKE: If anyone is interested in figuring this out the details to make this work on Google Cloud GKE or Azure AKS, please send me a PR.

Helm Chart: If anyone wants to turn this into a Helm chart, that would be pretty cool.