Solr update request processor for creating new multivalue field by parsing some text field
- clone repo
git clone
- go to folder
cd solr-multivaluefield-processor
- build with Maven
mvn package
- run Solr on Docker
docker run --name multivalue -it -p8983:8983 solr:6.5
- copy created jar to contrib
docker cp target/solr-multivaluefield-processor-*.jar multivalue:/opt/solr/contrib/
- create test core
docker exec -it multivalue bin/solr create_core -c multivalue -d basic_configs
- override solrconfig.xml with one with custom updateRequestProcessor
docker cp src/test/resources/solrconfig.xml multivalue:/opt/solr/server/solr/multivalue/conf/
- reload core
curl 'localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=RELOAD&core=multivalue'
- index test doc
curl -XPOST 'localhost:8983/solr/multivalue/update?commit=true&wt=json&indent=true' -d '[{"id": 1, "tags_txt": "solr facet"}]'
- query docs to see that tags_ss is added
curl 'localhost:8983/solr/multivalue/select?wt=json&indent=true&q=*:*'
Related blog post: