
Only this you need to install your private Phantom hosting.

Primary LanguageShell

Phantom Masternodes

Here you will find the installation scripts for a comfortable setup for the Phantom Masternode solution.

The setup is divided into the basic installation and the master node installation for each project. Everything is script based and you have the whole system functional in 10 minutes. Please install it on a newly installed Ubuntu 20.04 server. All guides you will find in the WiKi.


Please donate for our project that we can continue to run it actively and add as many masternodes as possible.


ETH: 0xb35a35053ec81cce4fdc7df07432fa0d59dddf82

GOSS: GgfoFv2JaJjh8TnPYkoYM9dEBJVjossBt3


  • Fully self-sufficient
  • No static IP required
  • No Linux knowledge needed
  • Automated e-mail backup from the masternode config file
  • Minimal memory and disk usage (in the 10s of megabytes vs. gigabytes)
  • Auto Update - When we release updates, your installation is receiving the updates automatically

Hosted Masternodes

Masternodes A - E + 1x2

  • 1x2
  • Absolute
  • Aias
  • Bare
  • Bitcoin Incognito

Masternodes F - J

  • Galilel
  • GoByte
  • IQcash

Masternodes K - O

  • Know Your Developer
  • Northern

Masternodes P - T

  • Trittium


The setup consists of two parts. The base system and the masternode part.

1. Base System

Install Guide Base System


We setup shortcuts for an easy administration (put the command on the console and press enter).
We recommend that you only activate the Portainer GUI when you need it.

Service Command
Firewall Status fw-status
Firewall Enable fw-on
Firewall Disable fw-off
Portainer Status portainer-status
Portainer On portainer-on
Portainer Off portainer-off

2. Masternodes

Install Guide Masternodes

Security for Masternodes

We recommend that you only activate the Masternode GUI when you need it.
Start and stop the relevant frontend container for this with Portainer.

3. How to use it

User Guide

Port list for the Web Console

Port List

The complete Phantom Hosting WiKi

Complete WiKi

Contact information

A note from the developer

Phantoms have been released to make it easier, and less costly, for masternode supporters to host their own nodes. Masternode hosting companies are free to utilize the phantom system as long as they comply with the terms of the Server Side Public License.