
docker build for pandoc and gitit

Primary LanguageShell


Docker container for Pandoc and Gitit, with Latex tools installed for pdf creation.


This docker image builds on top of marcelhuberfoo/cabal-build image for the purpose of building pandoc and gitit using Cabal. It provides several features of which some are already present in the base image:

  • A non-root user and group docky for executing programs inside the container.
  • A umask of 0002 for user docky.
  • Exported variables UNAME, GNAME, UID and GID to make use of the user settings from within scripts.
  • Timezone (/etc/localtime) is linked to Europe/Zurich, adjust if required in a derived image.
  • An external build source folder can be mapped to the volume /data. This volume will be the default working directory.
  • The Cabal bin directory (/home/docky/.cabal/bin) is automatically prepended to the PATH variable.



Supported conversion formats can be retrieved by executing the container without arguments. It will default execute pandoc --help.

docker run --rm marcelhuberfoo/pandoc-gitit

pandoc [OPTIONS] [FILES]
Input formats:  docbook, docx, epub, haddock, html, json, latex, markdown,
                markdown_github, markdown_mmd, markdown_phpextra,
                markdown_strict, mediawiki, native, opml, org, rst, t2t,
                textile, twiki
Output formats: asciidoc, beamer, context, docbook, docx, dokuwiki, dzslides,
                epub, epub3, fb2, haddock, html, html5, icml, json, latex, man,
                markdown, markdown_github, markdown_mmd, markdown_phpextra,
                markdown_strict, mediawiki, native, odt, opendocument, opml,
                org, pdf*, plain, revealjs, rst, rtf, s5, slideous, slidy,
                texinfo, textile
                [*for pdf output, use latex or beamer and -o FILENAME.pdf]

The following command shows the use of a mapped volume containing the input and output files for conversion:

docker run -v /tmp/my-data:/data marcelhuberfoo/pandoc-gitit pandoc -f markdown -t html5 myfile.md -o myfile.html


For a first exploration, if you don't already use Gitit or don't map in a volume:

docker run -d --name gitit \
      -e GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="User Name" \
      -e GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="user@domain.com" \
      -p 60000:5001 \
      marcelhuberfoo/pandoc-gitit \
      gitit -f /data/gitit.conf

Then navigate your browser to http://localhost:60000 to start using gitit wiki.

It is important to pass in the committers name and email at least for the first commits of gitit! Otherwise the container will abort due to git commit errors. As soon as you created a user and logged in, the commit author is the user name. Default author name is Gitit and author email is empty.

If you like to set these values explicitly, add them to the list of environment variables to pass in (exchange COMMITTER with AUTHOR).

Instead of passing in the committer and user name as environment variables, set it in your .git/config administrative file from within the mounted volume. E.g. git --git-dir=/home/gitit/wiki/wikidata/.git config user.name "Some User" and git --git-dir=/home/gitit/wiki/wikidata/.git config user.email "user@domain.com" respectively. You can do it likewise for the author.

To use an existing Gitit wiki (assuming it's installed at /home/gitit/wiki), mount it as a volume :

docker run -d --name gitit \
      -e GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="User Name" \
      -e GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="user@domain.com" \
      -p 60000:5001 \
      -v /home/gitit/wiki:/data \
      marcelhuberfoo/pandoc-gitit \
      gitit -f /data/gitit.conf

Again, navigate your browser to http://localhost:60000 to start using gitit wiki.

files and folders

/data/gitit.conf should contain the configuration file for gitit. If you don't provide it, a default one will be created.

Gitit will also create the following folders when started for the first time:

  • /data/static/ contains static (css and img) files used by gitit.
  • /data/templates/ contains HStringTemplate templates for wiki pages.
  • /data/wikidata/ contains the Git repo where all pages are stored.

Exposed Ports

5001: Gitit default webserver port


This image provides a user and group docky to run pandoc or gitit as user docky.

If you map in the /data volume, permissions on the host folder must allow user or group docky to write to it. I recommend adding at least a group docky with GID of 654321 to your host system and change the group of the folder to docky. Don't forget to add yourself to the docky group. The user docky has a UID of 654321 and a GID of 654321 which should not interfere with existing ids on regular Linux systems.

Add user and group docky, group might be sufficient:

groupadd -g 654321 docky
useradd --system --uid 654321 --gid docky --shell '/sbin/nologin' docky

Add yourself to the docky group:

gpasswd --add myself docky

Set group permissions to the entire project directory:

chmod -R g+w /tmp/my-data
chgrp -R docky /tmp/my-data