
Book documentation of the Polars DataFrame library

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Polars documentation

In this repo one can find the source of the User Guide of the Polars DataFrame library.

To build the benchmarks and Python code examples, Graphviz, make, wget as well as the Python packages listed in requirements.txt need to be present on the system. To build the User Guide, the Rust-based mdBook executable should also be downloaded/compiled and accessible (in the PATH). To build the Reference Guide, a custom mdBook executable should also be downloaded from here and made accessible as mdbook2 in the PATH. To ease the few steps, a Makefile is provided; and a Dockerfile to build the complete environment:

$ docker build --build-arg uid=$UID -t polars-guides .
$ docker run --entrypoint /bin/bash -it --rm -v `pwd`:/usr/src -p 8000:8000 --workdir /usr/src polars-guides

should get you there. (Note the mdBook executable is downloaded and not compiled to fasten the building of the image.)

User Guide

Status of the code snippets

Example Rust Python
CSV files
Parquet files
Interact with an AWS bucket
Interact with an Azure Blob Storage
Interact with a GCP Storage
Interact with a database
Process strings
Process timestamps
Process missing values
Process nested values (explode)
Rename columns and other manipulations
Column/row selection
Conditionally apply
Horizontal fold
Arrow interoperability
NumPy interoperability
Apply NumPy universal functions
Apply custom functions (UDFs)
Apply window functions
Apply rolling-window functions
Group statistics

Reference Guides

At this point in time, only Python bindings are available for Polars.

We are actively looking for Node experts to implement JavaScript bindings!

The content of the Reference Guides is generated directly from the source code. In this repo one can find the scripts used to generate the Markdown content later rendered by mdBook (a custom version thereof).