
A bundle of small classes which enriches your possibilities with UIKit and CoreAnimation.

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION


A bundle of small classes which enriches your possibilities with UIKit and CoreAnimation.

Consists of

  • Additions for CGGeometry for common CGRect, CGSize and CGPoint calculations
  • AGQuad which helps you create CATransform3D from convex quadrilaterals (basically you can turn any rectangle into any convex four-cornered shape)
  • Some usefull math functions
  • Easing functions

Example code property 'quadrilateral' on CALayer

You can access quadrilateral as a property just like you would do with frame, center or bounds.

AGQuad quad = self.imageView.layer.quadrilateral;
NSLog(@"Quad: %@", NSStringFromAGQuad(quad));

quad.br.x += 20;
quad.br.y += 50;

self.imageView.layer.quadrilateral = quad;

Example video animation with AGQuad


Example code animation with AGQuad

- (IBAction)animateToOtherShape:(id)sender
    AGQuad quad = AGQuadMakeWithCGRect(self.imageView.bounds);
    quad.tl.x -= 40; // top left
    quad.tr.y -= 125; // top right
    quad.br.y += 65; // bottom right
    quad.bl.x += 40; // bottom left
    [self animateToQuad:quad];

- (void)animateToQuad:(AGQuad)quad
    double (^interpolationFunction)(double) = ^(double p) {
        return (double) ElasticEaseOut(p);
    [self.imageView.layer animateFromPresentedStateToQuadrilateral:quad
                                                 forNumberOfFrames:2.0 * 60

Agens | Digital craftsmanship