A Livestream provider plugin for the Oddworks content server.
Install the npm package as a Node.js library:
npm install --save oddworks-livestream-provider
For full Livestream API documentation see https://livestream.com/developers/docs/api//.
The Oddworks Livestream provider is designed to be integrated with an Oddworks server catalog, specifically as a provider. To initialize the plugin in your server:
const livestreamProvider = require('oddworks-livestream-provider');
// See https://github.com/oddnetworks/oddworks/tree/master/lib/services/catalog#patterns
// for more information regarding an Oddcast Bus.
const bus = createMyOddcastBus();
const options = {
bus: bus,
apiKey: process.env.LIVESTREAM_API_KEY,
clientId: process.env.LIVESTREAM_CLIENT_ID
livestreamProvider.initialize(options).then(provider => {
console.log('Initialized provider "%s"', provider.name);
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err.stack || err.message || err);
The initialization process will attach Oddcast listeners for the following queries:
bus.query({role: 'provider', cmd: 'get', source: 'livestream-video'})
bus.query({role: 'provider', cmd: 'get', source: 'livestream-collection'})
To use them you send Oddcast commands to save a specification object:
// To create a collection based on a Livestream title:
bus.sendCommand({role: 'catalog', cmd: 'setItemSpec'}, {
channel: 'abc',
type: 'collectionSpec',
source: 'livestream-collection',
collection: {id: '50931'}
// To create a video based on a Livestream title:
bus.sendCommand({role: 'catalog', cmd: 'setItemSpec'}, {
channel: 'abc',
type: 'videoSpec',
source: 'livestream-video',
video: {id: '50955'}
This library provides a default transform function for collections and assets. It is fine to use the default, but you can provide your own like this:
const livestreamProvider = require('oddworks-livestream-provider');
const bus = createMyOddcastBus();
const options = {
bus: bus,
collectionTransform: myCollectionTransform,
videoTransform: myVideoTransform
livestreamProvider.initialize(options).then(provider => {
console.log('Initialized provider "%s"', provider.name);
}).catch(err => {
console.error(err.stack || err.message || err);
Your transform functions myCollectionTransform
and myVideoTransform
will be called when the livestream-collection
and livestream-video
have respectively received a response from the Livestream API.
The myCollectionTransform
and myVideoTransform
functions will each be called with 2 arguments: The spec object and the Livestream API response object for an album or video, respectively.
See lib/default-collection-transform
and lib/default-video-transform
for more info.
You can create a stand-alone API client outside of the Oddworks provider:
const livestreamProvider = require('oddworks-livestream-provider');
const client = livestreamProvider.createClient({
bus: bus,
apiKey: process.env.LIVESTREAM_API_KEY,
clientId: process.env.LIVESTREAM_CLIENT_ID
All methods return a Promise.
You can interact with the Livestream client using the CLI tool. To get started, run:
bin/cli --help
To authenticate the API you'll need to export the following environment variables:
The Livestream Client ID
To get help with commands:
bin/cli list --help
bin/cli req --help
Livestream has a particular way of broadcasting a live event. It's worth understanding how this provider normalizes that sequence to Collections and Video objects.
When an event is drafted, but not yet published, it looks like this:
"id": 7268989,
"logo": {
"url": "http://img.new.livestream.com/events/00000000006eea7d/ebe85599-6889-42b7-96dd-9a4de797c1d5.jpg",
"thumbnailUrl": "http://img.new.livestream.com/events/00000000006eea7d/ebe85599-6889-42b7-96dd-9a4de797c1d5_50x28.jpg",
"smallUrl": "http://img.new.livestream.com/events/00000000006eea7d/ebe85599-6889-42b7-96dd-9a4de797c1d5_170x95.jpg"
"description": null,
"draft": true,
"likes": {
"total": 0
"fullName": "Test Live Event",
"shortName": null,
"ownerAccountId": 21627744,
"viewerCount": 1,
"createdAt": "2017-04-14T11:50:09.543Z",
"startTime": "2017-04-14T11:49:00.000Z",
"endTime": "2017-04-14T12:49:00.000Z",
"tags": [],
"isLive": false
After publishing, "draft": true
is flipped to "draft": false
. As soon as the event is being streamed to, it is considered published and "draft" is set to false and "isLive": true
. Before going live the videos from the event will look like this:
Calling client.getEventVideos()
"vods": {
"total": 0,
"data": []
"live": null
After going live, the videos from the event will look like this:
Calling client.getEventVideos()
"vods": {
"total": 0,
"data": []
"live": {
"id": 154135441,
"draft": true,
"views": 0,
"likes": {
"total": 0
"comments": {
"total": 0
"caption": "Video on Odd's iPhone event",
"description": null,
"duration": 0,
"eventId": 7269024,
"createdAt": "2017-04-14T12:03:41.627Z",
"publishAt": null,
"tags": [],
"thumbnailUrl": null,
"thumbnailUrlSmall": null,
"m3u8": "https://livestreamapis.com/v2/accounts/21627744/events/7269024/master.m3u8"
When an event is finished, the Livestream user will usually "post" the video, or post additional videos of the event as Livestream "Posts".
Calling client.getEventVideos()
"vods": {
"total": 1,
"data": [
"type": "video",
"data": {
"id": 154135441,
"draft": false,
"views": 3,
"likes": {
"total": 0
"comments": {
"total": 0
"caption": "A test live video to VOD",
"description": null,
"duration": 402841,
"eventId": 7269024,
"createdAt": "2017-04-14T12:03:41.627Z",
"publishAt": "2017-04-14T12:10:56.269Z",
"tags": [],
"thumbnailUrl": "http://img.new.livestream.com/events/00000000006eeaa0/9f0d3438-7cac-4fb0-a7e2-23c89fc3fa7a_120.jpg",
"thumbnailUrlSmall": "http://img.new.livestream.com/events/00000000006eeaa0/9f0d3438-7cac-4fb0-a7e2-23c89fc3fa7a_120_150x84.jpg",
"m3u8": "https://livestreamapis.com/v2/accounts/21627744/events/7269024/videos/154135441.m3u8"
"live": null
This Oddworks provider treats these posts as Video on Demand objects. In fact, they are listed in that Livestream API response as "vods", indicating this intention.
A typical oddworks Video object looks like this from the API:
"data": {
"id": "res-livestream-video-6766058-144918727",
"type": "video",
"attributes": {
"title": "Tuesday Night's Special",
"description": "Lorem ipsum",
"images": [
"url": "http://img.new.livestream.com/foo.jpg",
"width": 960,
"height": 540,
"label": "thumbnail"
"url": "http://img.new.livestream.com/bar.jpg",
"width": 960,
"height": 540,
"label": "thumbnail-small"
"sources": [
"url": "https://livestreamapis.com/v2/accounts/13909691/events/6766058/videos/144918727.m3u8?client_id=foo×tamp=bar&token=baz",
"container": "hls",
"mimeType": "application/x-mpegURL",
"sourceType": "vod",
"broadcasting": false,
"height": null,
"width": null,
"maxBitrate": 0,
"label": "hls"
"duration": 1735711,
"position": 0,
"complete": false,
"genres": [],
"cast": [],
"releaseDate": "2016-12-20T20:59:19.784Z"
"relationships": {}
When a Livestream event appears on the API, but is not yet published (draft: true), this provider will ignore it. When it is published or goes live, a new Oddworks Collection and Video object will be created for it.
If the event is published, but is not yet live, the Oddworks Video object representing the event will have a single stream source with "sourceType" set to "linear"
and "broadcasting" set to false
"sources": [
"url": null,
"sourceType": "linear",
"broadcasting": false
"label": "hls"
When the event is live and has a stream, there will be at least one source object with "sourceType" set to "linear"
and "broadcasting" set to true
like this:
"sources": [
"url": "https://livestreamapis.com/v2/accounts/13909691/events/6766058/videos/144918727.m3u8?client_id=foo×tamp=bar&token=baz",
"container": "hls",
"mimeType": "application/x-mpegURL",
"sourceType": "linear",
"broadcasting": true,
"height": null,
"width": null,
"maxBitrate": 0,
"label": "hls"
When the event is over "broadcasting" will be set to false
If the "vods" Array within a Livestream event contains videos with the tags "s-01" or "e-01" (fitting the pattern: "s-n", "e-n"), then this provider will split the event into a collection (which holds all event posts as videos), and tree of nested collections containing the appropriate season and episodes collections based on the tagging scheme.
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