Note: The SilverStripe 2.4 version of the module is available from the ss24 branch of the repository.
A module that provides an action / transition approach to workflow, where a single workflow process is split into multiple configurable states (Actions) with multiple possible transitions between the actions.
Please see the wiki at [] for more info!
- SilverStripe 2.4+
- Queued Jobs module Required if you use the embargo/expiry functionality
Object::add_extension('SiteTree', 'WorkflowApplicable');
to your site's _config.php file
To apply workflow to files, add this to _config.php:
Object::add_extension('File', 'FileWorkflowApplicable');
To enable embargo/expiry (scheduled publish/unpublish), use this:
Object::add_extension('SiteTree', 'WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension');
Make sure the QueuedJobs module is installed and configured correctly - you should have a cronjob similar to the following in place
*/1 * * * * cd && sudo -u www php /var/www/sapphire/cli-script.php dev/tasks/ProcessJobQueueTask
This is an example only. The key is to run the task as the same user as the web server.