
Primary LanguagePython

Classwork Assignment 1

You are given a Python application and a client has requested your help to run it in a Docker container and automate the process of building the Docker image.

Start up

Install necessary dependencies

pip3 install -r src/requirements.txt

Start the application

python3 src/app.py


  • Create a new public repository and use this one as a template.
  • Containerize the Python application in the src/ directory. Create a Dockerfile and use ubuntu as a base image.
  • Validate locally that the container is working.
  • Create a GitHub Actions workflow that builds the Docker image and publishes it to your personal DockerHub account on every push to the main branch.


  • Implement IDE-level code analysis with Snyk (install Snyk plugin for your IDE)
  • Scan the application code with SonarCloud and Snyk as part of the existing workflow
  • Scan the built Docker image with Trivy as part of the existing workflow
  • Implement a new GitHub workflow with SonarCloud at Merge Request


  • Optimize the size of the Docker image. Use a more minimal base image.