PiTurret - Server

This project has been developed by Onur Demiray and Doğancan Tüfekcioğlu.

Please note that Client Application (Android) moved to another repository (PiTurret-Client) for better organisation.

What does it do?

PiTurret is simply an autonomus robotic prototype which is able to detect human faces and track them. It also has a manuel mode which allows user to use Android Application to rotate camera around X and Y axis.


-OpenCV for face detection (Source: https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d7/d8b/tutorial_py_face_detection.html)
-Python Socket Server (Source: https://youtu.be/qU1woglr_yU)
-Android Application (Joystick script Source: https://youtu.be/Em4Qa09-y90) (moved to PiTurret-Client repository)