
A Base for Creating Custom Devices based on the ESP8266 to work with Samsung Smart Things

Primary LanguageGroovy

ESP8266 SmartThings Device Repo

The repository is a fork of the SmartThings Public Github Repo and contains both modules other than the ones required for ESP8266 Integration

In order for ESP8266 Development the following must be installed unto your SmartThings hub.

The ESP8266 Discovery APP: https://github.com/SchreiverJ/SmartThingsESP8266/tree/master/smartapps/schreiverj/esp8266-ssdp-discovery.src

The Basic ESP8266 Device Handler: https://github.com/SchreiverJ/SmartThingsESP8266/tree/master/devicetypes/schreiverj/esp8266-switch.src

The ESP8622 Code: https://github.com/SchreiverJ/SmartThingsESP8266/tree/master/esp8266/BasicESP8266SwitchST

-- Requires the ESP8622 Arduino Development 
-- https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
-- Make sure to set the Wifi Network and Password to your network and change the on/off function to perform your desired action

SmartThings Public Github Repo

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