OECU バス時刻表 (Android アプリ)



  • Package Name: jp.oecu.oden.bus.android
  • Minimum SDK: Android 4.0.3 (API 15, ICS)
  • Target SDK: Android 6.0 (API 23, Marshmallow)
  • SDK Build-tools: rev 23.0.3

Required Packages

You need to install the following packages with using Android SDK Manager.

  • Tools
    • Android SDK Build-tools - rev 23.0.3
  • Android 6.0 (API 23)
    • SDK Platform
  • Extras
    • Android Support Repository

How To Build

  1. Git clone from this repository.
  2. Open the Android Studio.
  3. Choose the "Open an existing Android Studio project".
  4. In the "Open Project" window, choose the build.gradle file in the project directory which got in step-1.
  5. In the "Import Project from Gradle" window.
    • Choose the "Use local gradle distribution"
    • Turn off the checkbox of "Create directories for empty content roots automatically".
  6. Done.

Maintainers & License

Ryohei Ando and OdenTools members

The MIT License (MIT).
Copyright (c) 2016 OdenTools Project.