
A little app we're going to use to practice MVC

Primary LanguageRuby

Padrino Jukebox

We're going to write a little app that provides a jukebox service. We're going to draw on what we know about MVC and build on our Sinatra knowledge to create a fuller MVC app in padrino.


  • Sign up for SoundCloud (if you've not done so already)

  • Create a new app with soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/you/apps/new. Make a note of what ClientID you have.

  • Fork this repo as normal, git clone your own copy.

  • cd into your project folder

  • Install the padrino gem:

    gem install padrino

  • Generate a skeleton MVC app with the following commands:

    padrino g project jukebox -d activerecord -e erb -t shoulda .

  • Add the following gems to your gemfile:

    • soundcloud
    • json
    • run bundle
  • Generate a controller and model:

    padrino g controller Tracks get:play get:index post:search

    padrino g model Track title:string track_url:string soundcloud_id:integer permalink_url:string artwork_url:string description:string duration:integer genre:string bpm:integer comment_count:integer download_count:integer favouritings_count:integer

  • Create a database suitable for the model:

    padrino rake ar:create:all

    padrino rake ar:migrate

  • Run padrino server

    padrino s

  • Run padrino tests

    padrino rake


  • Add a class method to the Track model, which performs a search for tracks with a given name and returns an array of Track objects. Use your own client ID.

  • Add 3 views to your application: app/views/tracks/index.erb, app/views/tracks/search.erb and app/views/tracks/play.erb.

  • Rig up your views to the controller, so that the index action shows all tracks, the search action shows a form, which when submitted searches for all tracks, and rig up the play button so that a player is shown when you click on the tracks's title. Use code along these lines for the player:

    Controller: @track = Track.find(params[:id]) client = Soundcloud.new(:client_id => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID') @sound_cloud_widget = client.get('/oembed', :url => @track.player_url)['html']

    View: <%= @sound_cloud_widget.html_safe %>

  • Update your application so that search results are cached to a local database.

  • Update your application to display the tracks artwork in the list view. Pretty it up using CSS

  • Update your application so that it uses postgresSQL in production and push to heroku

  • Update your application so that you can search for titles within given genres.

  • If you've got this far, see if you can get pagination to work, read the API docs and see how you might page through results