
An ODEUM Code scaled down getting-started quickly boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A scaled down "ODEUM Code" getting-started quickly framework


  • AppContainer
  • Header
  • MenuPanel
  • Menu
  • Tab
  • Workspace
  • Footer
  • Logo
import { AppContainer, Header, MenuPanel, Menu, Tab, Workspace, Footer, registerHotModule } from 'odeum-app'
import { Button, ButtonPanel, Modal, Dropdown, Input, Checkbox, ToggleSwitch } from 'odeum-ui'
import { Heading, Text } from 'odeum-primitives'

Added by you:

  • ODEUM Primitives
  • Redux
  • Routes
  • Whatever ...


Default theme is ODEUM Code theme. The theme file contains objects for colors, fonts and sizes for the selected theme.

A theme is passed as a theme prop to the component.

If no theme is provided to the AppContainer by the user, the AppContainer loads the default theme provided in the odeum-app package.

import theme from './theme/bluehorizon.js'
<AppContainer theme={theme}>

We might provide setTheme and getTheme functions to pattern check the contents of the theme file to ensure that the objects contains the required values.


All components exported from odeum-ui and odeum-app has propTypes and defaultProps.

All defaultProps are loaded with default values so a fully scaled down App template will look like this: App_default.js

A template with named values and more props passed would look like this: App_normal.js


Default logo is odeumcode_logo.svg which is loaded default by Header component unless it is overwritten by the Header prop "logo={'pathtologo.svg'}"

  • JSON config file(s) - footer etc. or style objects.

Workspace components can be functional components (render props) or class components.


Routing will be encapsulated and processed by the routable components through a route prop. The routable components are:

  • AppContainer (makes the logo routable)
  • Menu
  • Tab


<Menu {...props} route={'/dashboard'}>
<Tab {...props} route={'/dashboard/timeline'} />

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