
This project consists of two applications: a server and a client. The server is written in .NET Core, and the client is written in ReactJS. The server sends real-time notifications to the client and stores these notifications in Redis on the server side.

Primary LanguageC#


This project consists of two applications: a server and a client. The server is written in .NET Core, and the client is written in ReactJS. The server sends real-time notifications to the client and stores these notifications in Redis on the server side.

Project Components

  1. Server:

    • Written in .NET Core.
    • Responsible for sending real-time notifications.
    • Stores notifications in Redis.
    • Uses a library like SignalR to manage real-time connections.
  2. Client:

    • Written in ReactJS.
    • Receives real-time notifications from the server.
    • Displays notifications to users instantly.

Detailed Steps

Setting Up the Server

  1. Create a .NET Core Project:

    dotnet new webapi -n SignalR.API
  2. Set Up SignalR:

    dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR

    Configure SignalR in Startup.cs:

    public static void AddServies(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration, string notificationHubUrl)
            // Add services to the container.
            //Add SignalR service
            services.AddSignalR().AddHubOptions<MessageHub>(options =>
                options.EnableDetailedErrors = true;
            //Add Swagger Gen 1
            services.AddSwaggerGen(x =>
                x.SwaggerDoc("Swagger-doc", new OpenApiInfo
                    Title = "test",
                    Version = "V1",
                    Description = "test",
                    Contact = new OpenApiContact
                        Name = "test",
                        Email = "test",
            services.AddCors(options =>
                name: "AllowOrigin",
                builder =>
            services.AddSingleton<IHubNotificationService, HubNotificationService>(sp =>
                new HubNotificationService(notificationHubUrl ?? string.Empty));
    public static class EndPointExtension
        public static void UseCustomEndPoint(this IApplicationBuilder app)
            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
  3. Create a Notification Hub: Create a new file named NotificationHub.cs and add the following:

    public class MessageHub : Hub
        public MessageHub()
        public async Task SendMessageToAll(string title, string message, string link)
            await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", title, message, link);
        public async Task SendMessageToUser(string userId, string title, string message, string link)
            await Clients.User(userId).SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", title, message, link);
        public async Task SendMessageToGroup(string groupName, string title, string message, string link)
            await Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", title, message, link);
  4. Set Up Redis:

    dotnet add package StackExchange.Redis

    Configure the Redis connection in Startup.cs and add the necessary services.

Setting Up the Client

  1. Create a React Project:

    npx create-react-app signalr-react-app
    cd signalr-react-app
    npm install @microsoft/signalr
  2. Connect to SignalR: Create a new file for SignalR connection such as signalrService.js:

    import * as signalR from '@microsoft/signalr';
    let connection;
    export const startConnection = async (hubUrl, authToken) => {
        connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
            .withUrl(hubUrl, {
                accessTokenFactory: () => authToken,
                withCredentials: false
        connection.onreconnecting((error) => {
            console.assert(connection.state === signalR.HubConnectionState.Reconnecting);
            console.log("Connection lost due to error. Reconnecting.", error);
        connection.onreconnected((connectionId) => {
            console.assert(connection.state === signalR.HubConnectionState.Connected);
            console.log("Connection reestablished. Connected with connectionId", connectionId);
        try {
            await connection.start();
            console.assert(connection.state === signalR.HubConnectionState.Connected);
            console.log("Connected to SignalR hub");
        } catch (err) {
            console.assert(connection.state === signalR.HubConnectionState.Disconnected);
            console.error("SignalR Connection Error: ", err);
            setTimeout(() => startConnection(hubUrl, authToken), 5000);  // Try to reconnect after 5 seconds.
    export const addReceiveMessageListener = (callback) => {
        if (connection) {
            connection.on('ReceiveMessage', (title, message, link) => {
                    callback(title, message, link);
        } else {
            console.error("Connection has not been established yet.");
    export const addNotificationListenerByConnectionId = (callback) => {
        if (connection) {
            connection.on('ReceiveMessage', (message, connectionId) => {
                if (connection.connectionId === connectionId) {
        } else {
            console.error("Connection has not been established yet.");
    export const stopConnection = async () => {
        if (connection) {
            await connection.stop();

Additional Notes

  • Ensure Redis Server is running on your machine or use a managed Redis service.
  • Set up CORS on the server to allow requests from the client.
  • Handle errors and exceptions on both sides to improve application stability.

With these steps, you can create a real-time notification system using .NET Core and ReactJS and store notifications in Redis. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.