CS 4371.501 Introduction to Big Data Management and Analytics

Homework 2

Before running any of the problems, make sure HDFS is set up:

hdfs dfs -mkdir /hw2
hdfs dfs -mkdir /hw2/input
hdfs dfs -put /path/to/soc-LiveJournal1Adj.txt /path/to/userdata.txt /hw2/input
hdfs dfs -rm -r /hw2/p*

Output for the following problems will be available on the HDFS at /hw2. Sample output can also be found in the sample_output directory of this repo.

Problem 1: Mutual Friends

hadoop jar hw2.jar hw2.MutualFriends /hw2/input/soc-LiveJournal1Adj.txt /hw2/p1

Problem 3: Average of Friends Age

hadoop jar hw2.jar hw2.AvgFriendAge /hw2/input/soc-LiveJournal1Adj.txt /hw2/input/userdata.txt /hw2/p3

Problem 4: Sorting Friends by Age

hadoop jar hw2.jar hw2.FriendSort /hw2/input/soc-LiveJournal1Adj.txt /hw2/input/userdata.txt /hw2/p4