
This is my Awesome books app - ES6 Version. In this version of the BookList app, the various functions are divided and created in different module folder then later imported to an entry point Js file.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my Awesome books app - ES6 Version. In this version of the BookList app, the various functions are divided and created in different module folder then later imported to an entry point Js file.

Built With

  • Major languages - HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Getting Started

Live link: https://white3d.github.io/Awesome-books---with-ES6/

Use this url to clone the repo on your terminal: https://github.com/white3d/Awesome-books---with-ES6.git


👤 Edward Odhiambo

Profile Pic

Portfolio Website

🤝 Contributing

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  • Special thanks to Microverse