
This is a BookStore CRUD App build on Rails API and React. It has a fully functional website that shows the list of Books and enable user to interact with them by adding , updaditng and deleting.

Primary LanguageRuby

Sneak Peek


React Rails API BookStore

This is a BookStore CRUD App build on Rails API and React. It has a fully functional website that shows the list of Books and enable user to interact with them by adding , updating and deleting. The fontend is build with React to GET, POST , PATCH and DELETE data from Rails API.



Demo Video

Video Link

Demo Link

Live Link

Built With

Ruby Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL React

Get Started


To get a clone of the project, run `git clone https://github.com/white3d/React-Rails-API-BookStore.git`


cd /React-Rails-API-BookStore
bundle install
rails server


cd /React-Rails-API-BookStore
cd /frontend
npm install
npm start


Edward Edward Odhiambo

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!!!

Feel free to check the issues page

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  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.