
This is a chat application built using React and the Chat Engine API. It includes components for rendering messages, managing chat sessions, and handling user interactions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sneak Peek


Chat Application


This is a chat application built using React and the Chat Engine API. It includes components for rendering messages, managing chat sessions, and handling user interactions.

Live Demo Link

Live Link

Built With

HTML5 CSS3 Bootsrap Bootsrap

Get Started


To get a clone of the project, run `https://github.com/odhiambo-ed/react-chat-application.git`
cd /react-chat-application
npm install
npm start


Edward Edward Odhiambo

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!!!

Feel free to check the [issues page]https://github.com/odhiambo-ed/react-chat-application/issues)

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Special thanks to React for the amazing vanilla JavaScript framework project. I am grateful for your talent and generosity in sharing your work with the community.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.