
Sports Sync App. The application will serve as a platform for sports enthusiasts to access a wide range of sports-related information and features. Key functionalities of the app include displaying comprehensive data on various sports, teams, players, and events.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sneak Peek


Animal Classes


The Sports Sync App is built on Webpack - HTML CSS JavaScript designed to provide users with real-time updates on their favorite sports, teams, players, and events. The application integrates various sports data APIs to offer a comprehensive view of sports statistics, live scores, and event highlights.

Live Demo Link

Live Link

Built With

HTML5 CSS3 Bootsrap Bootsrap Webpack

Get Started


To get a clone of the project, run `https://github.com/odhiambo-ed/webpack-sportsync-app.git`
cd /webpack-sportsync-app
npm install
npm start


Edward Edward Odhiambo

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!!!

Feel free to check the [issues page]https://github.com/odhiambo-ed/webpack-sportsync-app/issues)

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  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Special thanks to Webpack for the amazing vanilla JavaScript framework project. I am grateful for your talent and generosity in sharing your work with the community.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.