WarcMiddleware lets users seamlessly download a mirror copy of a website when running a web crawl with the Python web crawler Scrapy.
- amontalentiParse.ly
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- AnyCommerceAnyCommerce Chennai Pvt Ltd
- arijitchakraborty@Browserstack
- atomoticatomotic.com
- awright415Seattle, WA
- bsoebektiToronto, Canada
- bytearchive
- ChuhC
- codinguncutSensatus Ltd.
- cyndi088Hangzhou Youquan Technology Development Co., Ltd.
- dgoren
- dhamaniasadRemote
- dustinwhittle@dustinwhittle
- ersi@aurorainnovation
- HeliosLHC
- iramari
- IvanIrk
- jadedgnome
- JT5DThe IMC Lab + Gallery
- lukaskawerauUniversity of Konstanz
- mandark321
- myhauVirtusLab
- nemobis@relex
- nimblemachineNimbleMachine
- ocg1The Overseas Group
- podolskyiUkraine
- qois
- RomeSilvanus
- senthilnayagam@muonium-ai
- shaneaevansZyte
- sopelUtoolity
- synthesizerpatelRemix Networks
- trifle
- v0xel
- xsteadfastx@wobcom