
Application developed during NLW05, by @Rocketseat

Primary LanguageElixir


To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.

Learn more

Some tools used

Mix - CLI of Elixir Credo - Linter for Elixir Ecto - Interact with database Jason - Encode elixir struct to json

Common commands

  • mix ecto.create

  • mix phx.server

  • mix deps.get

  • mix test

  • mix compile

  • mix phx.routes (show all rotes of the application)

  • iex (interative elixir)

  • iex -S mix

  • h [something] (see documentation of someting)

    • h Inmana.Repo.insert/2
  • mix credo

  • mix ecto.gen.migration create_restaurants_table

  • mix ecto.gen.migration create_supplies_table

  • mix ecto.migrate

  • creating alias

    • alias Inmana.Restaurant (allow use only Restaurant)
    • alias Inmana.Repo (allow use only Repo)
    • alias Inmana.Restaurants.Create (allow use only Create)
  • changeset = Restaurant.changeset(%{name: "Siri Cascudo", email: "siri@fenda.com"})

  • %{name: "banana"} |> Restaurant.changeset() |> Repo.insert() (Struct contains error about email cant be blank)

  • params = %{name: "Balde de lixo", email: "balde@fenda.com"}

  • Create.call(params)

Learned concepts

  • Modules
  • Immutability
  • Pattern matching

Design Patterns studied

  • Railway oriented programming: ensure every function or method should and must always return a success or a failure
  • Facade: give a more simple interface for a bigger code body