
Examples of idiomatic Odin code

Primary LanguageOdin

Odin Examples

Learn Odin through idiomatic examples that show you how to:

  • Use the language
  • Use core libraries
  • Use vendor libraries

The examples are meant to be well written while following Odin best practices.

Also check out demo.odin and the overview.

Running the examples

Clone this repository. Most examples can be run by navigating into the folder and executing: odin run .

Some examples have a README with additional information and instructions.


The contents of this repository is available under two licenses. Choose the one that you prefer:

Assets and third-party libraries are provided under their own license. If in doubt, check the LICENSE* and COPYING* file(s) in a particular directory for clarification.

Example suggestions

Add example suggestions here.


Contributions via Pull Requests are warmly welcome. Before submitting your Pull Request, make sure of the following:

  • The example compiles with flags -vet -strict-style -vet-tabs -disallow-do -warnings-as-errors
  • Add the example to .github/workflows/check.yml
  • Your code follows the Odin naming convention: https://github.com/odin-lang/Odin/wiki/Naming-Convention (exception can be made for direct ports of examples that need to match 1:1 to the source of the port).
  • Note that your code will fall under the licenses listed above. Only for third-party dependencies are other licenses allowed.