
Some useful pool helper. A pure Scala library.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Some useful pool helper. A pure Scala library.

Using in your project

An example SBT dependency string for this library would look like this:

val pool-helper = "com.odinliu.util" %% "pool-helper" % "1.0.1"


resource pool

When some resource pool implementedAutoCloseable, and you have to close it manually.


usingonly ensure close the resource, you should catche any exception yourself.

import com.odinliu.util.pool.resource.AutoReleaseHelper

object Hello extends App with AutoReleaseHelper {
  val mi: String = using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f))) { br =>
    // do something with br
    "returned string"
  println(mi == "returned string")


autoClosereturns an Either[Unit, T], a more functionally way.

import com.odinliu.util.pool.resource.AutoReleaseHelper

object Hello extends App with AutoReleaseHelper {
  val jp = JedisPool() // jedis client pool
  val ret: Either[Unit, Option[String]] = autoClose(jp.getResource)({ jedis =>
    val v = jedis.get("Some-KEY")
    if (v == null) {
    } else {
  }, t => warn("get get key failed", t))

t => warn("get get key failed", t) is an function you deal with exceptions(Throwable).

concurrent pool

max concurrency pool

ConcurrentPool limits max concurrency.

import com.odinliu.util.pool.concurrent.{ConcurrentPool, PoolHelper}

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

class SomeServiceImpl extends SomeService with PoolHelper {
  override val executor: ExecutionContext = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global
  val maxConnection = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
  val cp = new ConcurrentPool[SomeClient](maxConnection) {
    override protected def makeItem(): Future[Int] = {

  def callSomeClient(params: Param): Future[Result] = {
    borrow(cp)(client => {
    }, t => warn("call SomeClient failed", t))
      .flatMap {
        case Left(_) => Future(Result.FAILED)
        case Right(x) => x

time-based limit pool

TimedLimitsPool can limit max qps or other time-based limits.

import com.odinliu.util.pool.concurrent.{TimedLimitsPool, PoolHelper}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

class SomeServiceImpl extends SomeService with PoolHelper {
  private val client: SomeClient = SomeClientFactory.newClient()

  override val executor: ExecutionContext = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global

  val maxQps = 1000
  // use `Int` as token
  val limitsCp = new TimedLimitsPool[Int](maxQps, refresh = 1000L, tu = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) {
    var count: Int = -1
    override protected def makeItem(): Future[Int] = {
      count += 1

  def callSomeClient(params: Param): Future[Result] = {
    ration(limitsCp)(id => {
    }, t => warn("call SomeClient failed", t))
      .flatMap {
        case Left(_) => Future(Result.FAILED)
        case Right(x) => x