
Demo of QuickJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a script that generates data I can use to set a useful prompt with oh-my-zsh.

  • this is not awesome code
  • there are lots of other ways to do this
  • it probably has bugs

The point of this just to demonstrate QuickJS, a JavaScript compiler, for something practical.

This code is used in my .zshrc as follows:

git_prompt() {
  git status -s -b --porcelain 2>&1 | ~/.scripts/parse-status-quick

precmd() {

export PROMPT='[%{$fg_bold[green]%}$short_path%{$reset_color%}]%{$fg_bold[cyan]%}$git_info%{$reset_color%}> '

Now I get a formatted prompt that shows me the last 2 segments of the current directory, the git branch name, and an asterisk to indicate it's got unstaged changes, and behind/ahead commit numbers e.g.

[code/quickjs-git-prompt] *master[+1]>

I used to do this with node, but node's got a perceptible startup lag, even on a really fast machine. Along comes QuickJS. This is a really neat project, and command-line utilities seem like a perfect application.

I got a little help from twardoch/svgop in dealing with stdin, since the OS interop doens't work like node. Alesandro Nadlin also has a helpful intro on compiling binaries.


To build this, you'll need to install QuickJS:

git clone https://github.com/ldarren/QuickJS.git
cd QuickJS
sudo make install

Now build this:


Try it out:

git status -s -b --porcelain 2>&1 | ./dist/parse-status-quick