
building my daughter's first website

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

Sophie's Website

I am building a website together with my (8 year old) daughter, and the progress is tracked in this repo. The website is here

[How to take care of pets][site]


Every numbered commit corresponds to a pedagogical milestone. There are also double-dash commits that are in between the numbered one's. Those correspond to intermediate steps that are put in for technical not pedagogical reasons.

The idea is to progress from one milestone to the next. For example, the initial milestones are

  1. a simple, unstyled webpage
  2. the same page, style with css
  3. multiple pages with the same template, using a single php file
  4. creating php include files for the various content pages
  5. ...

and my daughter and me went through them sequentially (of course some of the stuff, especially at the later milestones, is rather technical; there it is really about what one can do - eg in iPad App - and she'll be able to look at it in her own time)

For your reference, the list of all commits is here. Be warned that I am rewriting history very often, all the way to the root commit, so if you pull this repo please be aware of this.


The code is licensed under AGPL (see the LICENSE file for details).

I have added some images to the repo. All those images are copyrighted and


To explain this policy: all images of animals are sourced from the Internet, and their respective licenses (all open source) can be found on the attribution page. However - this site also contains images of my daughter, and those images are copyrighted will all rights reserved and no license granted to use them for any purpose whatsoever.