
Code for experimenting with load-balancing intradomain traffic engineering using GNNs and RL. Project as part of masters degree at the University of Cambridge.

Primary LanguagePython

Part III Project: "Generalisable data-driven routing using RL with GNNs"

This is the code accompanying my dissertation submitted for my masters degree (which can be found at https://github.com/odnh/gnn-routing-diss).

The aim is to extend work done in "Learning to route with deep RL" to use GNNs, hopefully allowing generalisation to unseen graphs (read the dissertation for further details and a more in depth explanation).


  • gym-ddr: Implementation of openai gym env for RL routing
  • stable-baselines-extensions: modifications to stable-baselines for custom learning policies using GNNs.
  • dd-learning-helpers: library of helper functions that don't rely on gym or stable-baselines
  • experiments: scripts to learn and test models
  • data: contains data to use in experiments (e.g. graphs, demands)
  • evaluation: contains scripts that combined with a configuration will run the experiments for project evaluation and plot the results.
  • raeke: OCaml code for generating an oblivious routing. Has issues so was not used.


Based on stable-baselines and using Graph Nets for GNN bits and pieces. To set up on a Linux (Ubuntu) machine from scratch, run the bootstrap.sh file (Of course, read what the script does before running it).

To setup python env, env.yml can be used with conda env -f env.yml