
This extention build angular reactive-form from typescript interface/model-class or from JSON

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Ng-ReactiveForm Builder

  • This extention build angular reactive-form from typescript interface/model-class or from json.
  • Generate ng-reactive-form using FormBuilder, it also generate getters for all the controls of the form (including the nesting formGroups).
  • Generate mat-from components for the form controls, you can define what type of mat-form field to use for which property/attribute.

Note: User-defined dataTypes are not allowed

// This is Ok
class StudentCreateModel {
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    address: {
        city: string;
        country: string;

// But this is not Ok
class StudentCreateModel {
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    address: Address;

interface Address {
        city: string;
        country: string;
// In this case if you select the StudentCreateModel, the type 'Address' 
// could not be determined... You may get unsatisfied results

When building 'Form' from JSON, array symbols should not be included, it may give you wrong result.

Steps to build ng-reactive-form

Note: first 3 steps are must others are optional.

1.  Select the text [JSON | interface(ts) | class(ts)].
2.  Run the command (Ng Form Builder) from the command pallete
3.  Give a name to your form.
4.  Enter properties name (separated by comma ','), those need a mat-radioGroup
5.  Enter properties name, those need a mat-select.
6.  Enter properties name, those need a mat-checkbox.
7.  Enter properties name, those need a textarea.

Note: The default mat-formField is mat-input of type=text (when no information is available), for boolean type mat-radioGroup will be used, string and number type will match to type="text", and type="number"!



- When all this done, you will get two untitled documents, one is showing the 'typescript'
- portion of the form (with getters) the other document showing the 'html' portion of the form.

From these documents you can copy&paste the code inside your angular files.

This extension does not alter your project files, it is safe to use.

Search in vs code by typing _> ng-reactiveform builder You can find the source code here