
round-robin load balancer for Erlang processes

Primary LanguageErlang

Build Status Code Climate



revolver is a round-robin load balancer for Erlang processes.

Compared to poolboy (https://github.com/devinus/poolboy) or worker_pool (https://github.com/inaka/worker_pool), revolver is very simple and small with no concept of a lease in the default configuration and no assumptions about the workers.

The idea is that you have an existing OTP supervisor with children (your pool) and to balance across those. This design makes it perfect for the fast paralellization of many equally sized tasks.

In addition, revolver has the notion of being disconnected. So when parts of your application are temporarily unavailable (think database connections), revolver acts as a fuse and lets the unaffected parts run while trying to reconnect.


If you are looking for an application to dynamically create pools for balancing with revolver, check out palma.

building revolver

git clone git://github.com/odo/revolver.git
cd revolver
./rebar get-deps compile


On modern hardware, revolver can hand out more than 100 000 pids per second. So it will add an overhead < 10 microseconds to each call.



The idea is to balance accross processes owned by a supervisor. In this example we use the sasl supervisor (sasl_sup) which has two sub-processes. In a typical setting, you would balance across a large set of identical gen_server processes.

1> application:start(sasl).
2> revolver:balance(sasl_sup, sasl_pool).
3> revolver:pid(sasl_pool).
4> revolver:pid(sasl_pool).
5> revolver:pid(sasl_pool).
6> revolver:pid(sasl_pool).


you can start revolver with additional options:

Options = #{
	min_alive_ratio          => 0.75,
	reconnect_delay          => 1000,
	max_message_queue_length => 10,
	connect_at_start         => false
revolver:balance(sasl_sup, sasl_pool, Options).

min_alive_ratio: If this portion of the workers are dead, a reload is triggered (default 1.0) reconnect_delay: when disconnected, the wait time between connection attempts (default 1000 ms) max_message_queue_length: maximum number of messages allowed for each workers before revolver:pid/1 returns {error, overload} (default undefined) connect_at_start: if you set up the workers after starting revolver, you can set this to false and then connect manually (default true)

lease-based balancing

Revolver can be run in a lease mode by setting max_message_queue_length to lease. In this mode, each worker can only handle one job at a time, otherwise {error, overload} is returned. When in lease mode you can not get a pid of a worker but you pass a fun to revolver:transaction/2 which in turn gets passed the pid:

1>  application:start(sasl).
2> {ok, Pool} = revolver:balance(sasl_sup, sasl_pool, #{max_message_queue_length => lease}).

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 21-Mar-2017::08:59:02 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_pool_revolver_sub}
             started: [{pid,<0.69.0>},
                                #{max_message_queue_length => lease}]}},
3> revolver:transaction(sasl_pool, fun(Pid) -> {here_is_the_pid, Pid} end).
4> revolver:transaction(sasl_pool, fun(Pid) -> {here_is_the_pid, Pid} end).
5> revolver:transaction(sasl_pool, fun(Pid) -> {here_is_the_pid, Pid} end).

refreshing the pool

Members of the pool may die and revolver will notice and take them out of rotation. Eventually it will need to ask the supervisor again for its children. When this happens is specified by the ratio of workers you need to have active. The default is 1.0 (all of them) but if you have many workers and expect them to die frequently you might want to specify a smaller ratio:

revolver:balance(sasl_sup, sasl_pool2, #{ min_alive_ratio => 0.75 }).

calling all members

You can do a series of calls to all members of a pool inside revolver:

1> application:start(sasl).
2> revolver:balance(sasl_sup, sasl_pool).
3> revolver:map(sasl_pool, fun(Pid) -> proplists:get_value(status, process_info(Pid)) end).

disconnect and reconnect

If the pool disappears (the supervisor exits or has no children) revolver returns {error, disconnected} when asked for a pid and tries to refresh the pool periodically in the background. The delay for the refresh can be specified at start.

1>  application:start(sasl).

2>  revolver:balance(sasl_sup, sasl_pool, 1.0, 10000).
=INFO REPORT==== 2-Oct-2014::09:55:41 ===
revolver: Found 2 new processes of 2 total for sasl_sup, connected.

3> revolver:pid(sasl_pool).

Everything fine so far. Now we stop sasl (the pool):

4>  application:stop(sasl).

=INFO REPORT==== 2-Oct-2014::09:55:53 ===
    application: sasl
    exited: stopped
    type: temporary

=INFO REPORT==== 2-Oct-2014::09:55:53 ===
revolver: The process <0.41.0> (child of sasl_sup) died.

=ERROR REPORT==== 2-Oct-2014::09:55:53 ===
revolver: Reloading children from supervisor sasl_sup.

=ERROR REPORT==== 2-Oct-2014::09:55:53 ===
revolver_utils: Supervisor sasl_sup not running, disconnected.

=ERROR REPORT==== 2-Oct-2014::09:55:53 ===
revolver trying to reconnect in 10000 ms.

5>  revolver:pid(sasl_pool).

So revolver is disconnected and says so if you ask for a pid. As soon as the pool is there again, revolver reconnects.

6>  application:start(sasl).
=INFO REPORT==== 2-Oct-2014::09:56:13 ===
revolver: Found 2 new processes of 2 total for sasl_sup, connected.

7>  revolver:pid(sasl_pool).

If at some point you like revolver to pick up new processes in the pool you can tell it specifically to connect/rescan:

8> revolver:connect(sasl_pool).
=INFO REPORT==== 6-Nov-2014::09:21:29 ===
revolver: Found 0 new processes of 2 total for sasl_sup, connected.

integrating into applications

In order to integrate into a supervision tree you can get the child spec from revolver_sup:

1> ChildSpec = revolver_sup:child_spec(target_supervisor, pool_name, 1.0, 1000).
2> supervisor:start_child(existing_supervisor, ChildSpec).


./rebar eunit skip_deps=true