
Vagrantfile ro prepare a virtualbox with jenkins automatical installed / configured with masterless saltstack

Primary LanguageSaltStackMIT LicenseMIT

Jenkins Vagrant Saltstack

  • creates a new virtualbox with masterless saltstack
  • install Jenkins with Plugins and job as example

First install of the VirtualBox with Vagrat

vagrant up

After installation call "localhost:8081" from your host browser.

  • You need to answer the few question from the installation wizzard.
  • done and ready for work

In the VirtualBox, you can find important folders mounted from the host:

  • /etc/salt
  • /srv/salt/
  • /var/www/
  • /var/www/jenkins/jobs

Jenkins WebGui is forwared to the host!

  • config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080
  • config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8081


  • Java 8
  • Jenkins
  • Salstack SLS automatic usage of pre-created admin:password from file /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
  • plugins
    • Github Plugin
    • Green Balls

Your PHP project configuration

In your composer load the dev tools you require (i.e. PHPUnit, phpcpd, phpmd, phpcs etc) & have these run via Ant. This will allow one to control the version of the dev tools they use & allow developers to run them locally as well. Allowing Jenkins CI to focus on Continuous Integration.

Config examples (coming soon)

  • Composer.json (composer)
  • phpunit.xml (phpunit)
  • build.xml (ant)
  • job-config.xml (jenkins ci)

Recomended project directory structure (required folders/files)

  • composer.json
  • composer.lock
  • tests/phpunit.xml
  • tests/build.xml
  • tests/build/.gitignore (git ignore this directory contents - will contain code coverage etc)
  • tests/job-config.xml


If you want to see a full list of what Salt is doing you can add the following line to the VagrantFile

salt.verbose = true

Or use flag below when running vagrant command


Using Salt from the Box

vagrant ssh

Box update and pre-configure with:

salt-call state.highstate

install plugins:

salt-call state.sls jenkins-plugins

install jobs:

salt-call state.sls jenkins-jobs